Winter snapshots


Snapshots from the winter in Sweden


17 april 2015

Det är nu april och man kan väl påstå att våren är här även fast jag tycker att den mest verkar komma och gå. Jag har kommit in i ett danceflow och vill mest dansa salsa, bachata och rueda hela tiden. Och med hela tiden så menar jag verkligen alla dagar i veckan. Fötterna gör därför konstant ont och jag tar det som ett tecken på att jag behöver dansa ännu mer, jag menar så länge jag har rätt skor på fötterna så värker dom ju för att dom jobbar och inte för att dom mår dåligt. När det inte dansas så pluggas det. Eller jag försöker åtminstone. Känner att det tar emot att plöja 5 böcker på ett par veckor och sedan skriva en 7 sidor lång hemtenta när alla föreläsningar har varit totalt värdelösa och det på seminarierna mestadels diskuteras självklara saker. Men det är åtminstone skönt att gå en kurs som man förstår sig på och inte känner sig så förvirrad av.
Nej, nu beställer jag mer sol och 10 grader varmare luft, det skulle göra allt ännu roligare!


Då var det dags att fira 23 årsdagen, helt galet hur snabbt tiden går!
Förra årets födelsedagstårta

Being sick in February

Att bli sjuk i februari är ju inget konstigt, det är ju snarare så det brukar se ut den här månaden. Jag råkade tyvärr ut för en höft som gjorde väldigt ont och det visade sig att det hade tokat till sig i ryggen och därför fick jag ont. När det väl började gå åt rätt håll så kom en förkylning som hette duga. Det verkar inte spela någon roll hur lugnt jag tar det, den är riktigt envis och jag tröttnade ganska snabbt att hela tiden känna mig dålig. Som tur är så vänder det ju förr eller senare, även om jag fortfarande är sjuk. Men jag hoppas att det resten av året inte blir så mycket sjukdomar. Har redan hunnit med 3 förkylningar under de senaste 4 månaderna och så brukar jag inte vara. Så nu räcker det! Dags att hålla sig frisk och kunna njuta av allt bra i livet!

No shopping

I've been crazy about shopping for a long time and I still believe I am. But for some reason I've manage the last couple of months to not buy more than one thing. A pair of shoes I've been looking for for several years. Instead, I've been busy with other things and actually going through the wardrobe and donated 6 bags of clothes. I still have a lot more to go through back home and I also know I will still buy things. But it is easier to not go shopping when you've been away for 3 months and suddenly have the whole wardrobe to choose from again. I do love it and I also love that I start to get rid of things I actually don't wear and won't wear. Why have an overfull wardrobe when you don't need it? It is definitely better to create a smarter and better one, one where you can wear anything that's inside it.

2014 is behind us, now it's time to rock 2015

A new year, a new beginning. Every time that feels like a new beginning is a time where I try to think about the good things in life. A new beginning can mean a new school year, a new month, a new season or something else that I just feel is like a new beginning. Now in January a new year started, I went back to work after spending the autumn in England, my third year of university started and I'm about to start another salsa course. A new beginning like this does not mean I'm changing my life completely or anything like that. I simply try to take the time to think about what makes me happy and make up a plan to do that more often. I might be tired after two year in university, but I know that I will only be able to work with what I want to work with if I finished my university studies, and that keeps me going. I know that I have fun when dancing salsa which makes it obvious to continue with a new course. Going back to work feels good after being away for such a long time and changing from 2014 to 2015 means leaving a great year behind to try and make the new one as good.
See opportunities in life, be happy for amazing things and try go after your dreams!

Hard work work

More workdays than I expected but perfect since I haven't been working when I have studied abroad. One exam and one essay, then the new semester starts! 


And so it's 2015. My first two years of university is over and work starts again after being away from Sweden since September. I'm happy I went to London to study and try it out but I'm also very happy to be back home. Now it's time to study and get closer to the goal to finish uni. Spend my time wisely and prioritize the important things in life. 2015 I'm ready!

2014 blir 2015

Gott nytt år!

24 December 2014


Snapshots from summer in Sweden

This is how I've spent my free time in the summer in Sweden

Coca Cola

2 months without Coca Cola

Glad midsommar!

Detta år firar vi på spanskt vis!

School's out for summer!

Last exam is done and uni is over for this term! This means I've finished 1,5 years of uni and I can't really believe it. Feels like I just started but also as I've been there for such a long time. Anyway, finally summer holiday, even though I plan on being in school in Spain for some time. This term has been all about English and now it's time for half a summer that's all about the Spanish. I need to improve for the future and what better way is there to improve than by going to Spain? This time it will be difficult to leave Sweden, but I'll be back in no time, knowing more Spanish and hopefully I've learned some new tricks in both salsa and bachata since I'm planning on dancing as much as possible in Spain! Today is my last shift at work before the holiday and it really feel like time have just flown by!


The last essay for this term is finished and I only have one exam left. It's how fast this term has gone, but there has been a lot to do so I'm happy it will soon be over. I get one week off before I start school again, but this time in Spain. It's time to improve my spanish, take some salsa and bachata lessons, get a nice tan from all the sunbathing on the beach, see new places and spend a lot of nights at my favorite restaurante. One thing is for sure, it is not like studying is here at home. I learn more, I have more free time and I feel no stress. Perfect combination! But first, 3 days at work, 1 exam, trying to sort everything out for the trip and most important, spend time with people I care about!




Finally the summer seems to be here!
Sunny, 24 degrees and I'm trying to study as much as possible out on the balcony. 


It's incredible how fast time flies by and how surprised and amazed I am by everything that is happening in my life right now. Hard work at uni this term, but so far it has paid off which is great. My body feels stronger due to all the salsa dancing and workouts and for ones in my life I feel like I can't funcion without working out, which is something I never thought I would say.
I try to spend as much time as possible with people I care about, which leaves me with less study time. In addition to this I also work as much as I can, so I always seem to not have enough time to do everything I want and need to, but that's life. In two weeks time, Uni will be over for this term and the rest of this year will be a new chapter in my life.


For an exam..

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