A night, like every other night...
I think of you, almost every second.. I don't know what I'm wishing for anymore because I don't know what happened with you. Suddenly it all made sense, even tho I didn't see it coming, not even for a moment. What if it's not like this and have never been? Have I hoped too much about all this? Like I said, I don't know anymore.. Remember you clearly but at the same time, I ask myself how I can do that? It's not like it was in the beginning, we're not like we were in the beginning. Apart from this, I have another life, and you have one too. Our lives don't fit in together and someone has to sacrifice something and I don't mind if that person has to be me, I would be happy about it. If something or someone makes me happy I can do that. If I get what I've always wanted in some way, the things I have to give up are nothing if you compare to the real thing.