Living in two worlds

It's hard, living in two worlds at the same time.

Nobody understands the feeling, well, maybe you do. We don't talk about the things that might separate us, we just don't. That makes me feel like there is something, like we have something, but I can't really ask you now, or can I? I don't really know if I'm just running away or if it's for real.. The hardest thing is, I can't try it, I can't see if there is something, not now... There is so many people who talks about you, talk about you and me, is it meant to be us?

I'm not expecting something from you, and I don't mean to do it. You keep giving me hope, keep saying things and then you stop. You made me really vulnerable again, I havn't had that feeling in so long.. Does that mean you are made to be mine? I love when you give me hope because now I can handle it. I know a word like that don't promise anything. I know you and I know I trust you, and now your words make me strong again. You're making me stand on my own feet again..

Postat av: Stephanie

Skriver du till pojkvännen?

Förlåt att jag har glömt att berätta att vinnaren är vald i min Gillette tävling. Vill du veta vem som vann kan du titta in på bloggen.

Har en ny sminktävling nu <3


2010-03-10 @ 16:32:52
Postat av: Madicken

Hej på dig!

Är allt bra idag då? :'D


2010-03-11 @ 15:29:34

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