Life always seem to find ways to surprise you

You thought nothing could surprise you anymore
and then something happened.
And it surprised you.
Everytime you think about it, it all seems unreal and mysterious.
Everything you've always believed in can change when someone walks into your life.
And everything can change when that someone decides to leave you.
Everything can happen when you do something you've never done before.
When you do something you normally wouldn't dare to do,
when a dream come true,
or when you make a decision you never thought you would have to make.
Life can never stop surprise you,
even though you always think the surprises are done by now.
It doesn't matter if you want it or not,
if you like it or not,
if it scares you or not,
Life will continue to surprise you.
Maybe not every day for the rest of your life,
but it will happen,
It will happen when you least expect it to,
maybe when you need it the most,
and maybe it will make a big change in your life.
But whatever happens,
It's meant to be that way.

Postat av: Annika

Det stämmer så himla bra!

Svar: Ja visst gör det!

2012-07-25 @ 17:54:11

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