Work, celebrating a friends birthday, cinema x3 (Looper, Hamilton - Men inte om det gäller din dotter, Hotel Transylvania), baked muffins, watched the new episodes of all the series I follow and running errands. That's what I've been doing lately. The birthday celebration turned out to be a really good night, I liked all the movies I watched at the cinema, tried two new recipes when baking muffins and the new episodes of the tv series was really good.
The autumn days it rains I'm glad to either work or spend a whole day inside doing laundry, baking or watch tv series and movies. And the sunny autumn days I enjoy every second outside, taking walks and just feel like we have a bit more time before it will be completely dark!
The days, weeks and months flies by faster than I'm used to and I bet it suddenly out of nowhere will be both winter, spring and summer again. But right now I love the autumn!
Photo taken a week ago
