Having a bit of vacation from work for a couple of weeks felt good, I got to do things I haven't had time for lately, spent time with friends and just enjoying to have time off. Normally i'm not able to read a magazine, a book, watch a movie and things like that all the time because of the lack of time. But now the vacation is over and I've already spent the last few nights at work.
If we didn't knew it already, the summer is over and the autumn is already here. Less than 10 degrees at night and you already want to put on all the knitted clothing! I've started look for winterclothes I need and last week I took out my autumn jacket and prepared my boots for a looooong autumn and winter. It's crazy to feel like the autumn just got here since I feel like I left the summer when I left Spain 3 months ago, because we haven't had any good summer here in Stockholm this year.. It actually feels like I came home late august and then the time stopped for a couple of months to start with autumn for real after that.
Whatever weather we have, whatever I do, I still feel happy to be right here right now and I'm doing everything I possibly can to take advantage of it and not take anything for granted. I'm enjoying the fresh air outside, the movienights, the scented candles inside when the dark comes at night, my wardrobe that feels like a new one everyday I open a door to it and all the nice things that comes with this season!

Me a couple of weeks ago, out celebrating a friend
Postat av: Annika
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Postat av: Mli - Husägare & blivande mamma ♥
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Postat av: Anonym
fin :)