1st of April
So much has been going on during the last weeks.
I've now been in school for 5 weeks, I've had my first exam, finished the first book, visiting the cathedral, going to the beach for the first time this year, having lunch with friends, boyfriend came back home, going shopping, salsadancing, going out, going up to the mountains, celebrating my 20th birthday, go play minigolf, being sick and so much more... Photos will come!
My second week of school
The second week of school has now finished, and I can't say anything except that this week was much harder than the first one! I'm both happy about it and a little frustrated, because I'm really not used to studying like this. The studies in international house is way different than I'm used too and it's very hard now when you havn't really gotten used to it. Apart from that I feel like I'm learning spanish faster than I expected, but I also think that it might be because you in the beginning go through everything quite fast since it's easier.

This week the weather hasn't been that good, it's been raining, windy and pretty cold, but today the sun is shining and it's warmer outside even though the wind is still here. It's absolutely the perfect start of the weekend!
During the week I've been keeping myself busy after school. I went shopping the other day and found some amazing things in Porto pí which is the perfect place for a day of shopping. I've been trying to walk around in Palma just to make sure I know where to go and where I end up, just to get to know the place a bit better. Even though I've been in Palma sometimes every summer for the last 4 years I havn't seen all parts of it and it is easy to get lost when you're somewhere in the middle of the small roads.
The only thing that hasn't really worked out is the activites the school offers. This week we got the chance to go to the cathedral, have a tapas de noche and see the caves. I kind of wanted to do everything, but no one in school had time or wanted to go, so unfortunately we cancelled everything. I thought it was going to be more activites and I definitely thought that people would want to go! Luckily I get to see different places here on the island anyway, and I'm really happy for it!
Here are some photos from last weekend when we were in Palma to see the market

Too many languages!
Today it feels like I've been in an explosion or something. It's feels like too many languages at the same time and I feel like I need a break from it, which is probably easier said than done! Thinking in swedish, speaking english, write in spanish and understand german, IT IS NOT WORKING! With 6 german people in the class and friend who speak german, I feel like a completely outsider who doesn't understand anything. I feel like the swedish is aweful since I barely use it properly anymore, I always mix it with english. English is the one language I feel like I can understand, speak och write in, maybe I'm not the best one, but I can handle it. Spanish, yeh what about the spanish... The actual reason why I am in Spain right now.... I understand, able to speak and write so much in in just a bit more than a week in school. But some things are just so hard because there is not enough time in school to go through everything. Changing teacher didn't really help, since when we finally got used the first one, we had to start getting used to the second one. I really hope it will get better in a few days because right now, everything is a bit too much! I'm going to try ask what the plan is for the following day so that I can go through it home, on my own, before doing it in class. I think that's a good idea and I also think it's a way of learning things faster :)

This is my room here in Mallorca

My first week in school, in Palma
A whole week in school has passed. I've done a lot of new things, met so much new people, and actually learned spanish! First of all I just want to say that I like it, I feel like this is what I'm supposed to do right now and that is a big relief for me!
So, what did I do last week? I went to school everyday but thursday, because that day was a fiesta here in Mallorca. In school we learned how to give a presentation about our selves, numbers, asking questions, a lot of different words, how to describe things and the weather. Since I'm in the beginners course I think that was pretty much during the first 4 days. I've studied spanish a little bit before so I thought it was pretty easy, but people who just started thought this was much and I can understand that. On one evening after school I went to Palma to look around a bit and a few days later I just walked around to make sure I know where to go and don't loose the way the first thing I do.
On the fiesta we went to Sóller. A nice place up in the mountains, at least close to them, and checked out a market (special for this fiesta) and had a nice lunch out by the port, just next to the beach and all the boats. It was a really sunny day but windy, so to bring a sweater was a good idea, but I did get some tan in my face because of the sun!
During the weekend I really had no plans from the beginning, but of course I did get some in the end. So on friday night I went out with a friend from school and his friends from Germany, all of them are studying here in a German University. I, for the first time, went to a casino and then to some nice bars. It was a great night with nice people and I really had a good time!
On saturday I had a private spanish lesson. This is something outside school, but since I had studied before I felt like I should try to learn more harder things. This way I also get to practise the things we do in school more and go through new things before we do it or at least in another way. I think it's really good even though I feel it's easy so far. For people who thinks it's hard, I really recommend to take private lesson!
The rest of the saturday I was relaxing, sleeping a bit before going out for dinner and to a bar with some friends. It was a way more chilled night out which I definitely needed.
On sunday we went into Palma to see the market. The weather was absolutely great and it was way too hot to walk around in jeans. I feel crazy for saying that in the beginning of march, but it is actually true!
Yesterday we got a new teacher and 3 more people in the class. Two from Germany and one from Holland. So now the people who are showing up in class is 6 german people, 2 swedish people and one from holland. It was caos yesterday in school because of the new people and teacher, books, classroom and everything else they had to sort out, but today it was much better and I'm so happy that it turned out well.
Yesterday was also the first day there was no sun here since I came. It was cold and rainy, but I guess it has to be like that sometimes as well.... The raining continued today, but it was still sunny once in awhile which felt nice. Today after school I went to a shoppingcenter to look at some clothes and I was really surpriced since they change the place and got new shops. I need to go back in a few days!

So, what did I do last week? I went to school everyday but thursday, because that day was a fiesta here in Mallorca. In school we learned how to give a presentation about our selves, numbers, asking questions, a lot of different words, how to describe things and the weather. Since I'm in the beginners course I think that was pretty much during the first 4 days. I've studied spanish a little bit before so I thought it was pretty easy, but people who just started thought this was much and I can understand that. On one evening after school I went to Palma to look around a bit and a few days later I just walked around to make sure I know where to go and don't loose the way the first thing I do.
On the fiesta we went to Sóller. A nice place up in the mountains, at least close to them, and checked out a market (special for this fiesta) and had a nice lunch out by the port, just next to the beach and all the boats. It was a really sunny day but windy, so to bring a sweater was a good idea, but I did get some tan in my face because of the sun!
During the weekend I really had no plans from the beginning, but of course I did get some in the end. So on friday night I went out with a friend from school and his friends from Germany, all of them are studying here in a German University. I, for the first time, went to a casino and then to some nice bars. It was a great night with nice people and I really had a good time!
On saturday I had a private spanish lesson. This is something outside school, but since I had studied before I felt like I should try to learn more harder things. This way I also get to practise the things we do in school more and go through new things before we do it or at least in another way. I think it's really good even though I feel it's easy so far. For people who thinks it's hard, I really recommend to take private lesson!
The rest of the saturday I was relaxing, sleeping a bit before going out for dinner and to a bar with some friends. It was a way more chilled night out which I definitely needed.
On sunday we went into Palma to see the market. The weather was absolutely great and it was way too hot to walk around in jeans. I feel crazy for saying that in the beginning of march, but it is actually true!
Yesterday we got a new teacher and 3 more people in the class. Two from Germany and one from Holland. So now the people who are showing up in class is 6 german people, 2 swedish people and one from holland. It was caos yesterday in school because of the new people and teacher, books, classroom and everything else they had to sort out, but today it was much better and I'm so happy that it turned out well.
Yesterday was also the first day there was no sun here since I came. It was cold and rainy, but I guess it has to be like that sometimes as well.... The raining continued today, but it was still sunny once in awhile which felt nice. Today after school I went to a shoppingcenter to look at some clothes and I was really surpriced since they change the place and got new shops. I need to go back in a few days!

My first couple of days in school, IH Palma
The past days have been really good and I've been too busy to be on the computer much.
Two days ago, on sunday, it was great weather here and I decided to go out and try get some tan. In a bikini just beside the pool, that's where I spent about an hour in the sun, I really can't complain and I think I might have got some tan, but at least my freckles that always shows during summertime is back! That day we also went for a walk with the dogs and went to the stable. I really like to do different things here that I normally don't do in Sweden, that's how I can tell the difference between the places.
Yesterday I started school! I got there a bit early and I had some time to check out the neighborhood and go to a café to get a second breakfast. I was at the school when they opened, at 9 in the morning to do a test so they know where to place me, since I've studied spanish before. The teacher realized pretty quick that I was not able to speak that much in spanish so she put me in the beginners group and said it will be a bit too easy for me the first few days, but then it will probably get better.
We are seven people in my class, two from Sweden, four from Germany and one from Russia, a really nice mix! Two guys and five girls and the age is also very different, I'm the youngest one and I'm not sure how old the oldest one is, but they have stopped working at least. Everyone is there for different reasons, exchange, moved to Spain, want to work here during the summer and so on! People are taking the course from 2 weeks up to maybe a year.
These first two days have been good, I have no problem on following the teacher during the lesson even if she speaks spanish all the time, i even think it's too easy. We have a lesson for two hours and then get a 20 minutes break before we continue the lesson until we finish, which is 13.30 every day. So, school from 9.30-13.30 monday-friday, that is really perfect! Everyday we have homework, but so far it has been less than half an hour work on my own and I really hope there will be more.
So far I havn't been up to much here in Mallorca but I guess I don't have to rush anything since I'm staying for a while. I've been out with the dogs everyday and trying to relax as much as possible. Today I also went to Palma. I learned how to go from the school into town and just to be able to know where I am. I saw some nice stores with lots of shoes, so I really need to go there some day!

Mallorca from the plane

Two days ago, on sunday, it was great weather here and I decided to go out and try get some tan. In a bikini just beside the pool, that's where I spent about an hour in the sun, I really can't complain and I think I might have got some tan, but at least my freckles that always shows during summertime is back! That day we also went for a walk with the dogs and went to the stable. I really like to do different things here that I normally don't do in Sweden, that's how I can tell the difference between the places.
Yesterday I started school! I got there a bit early and I had some time to check out the neighborhood and go to a café to get a second breakfast. I was at the school when they opened, at 9 in the morning to do a test so they know where to place me, since I've studied spanish before. The teacher realized pretty quick that I was not able to speak that much in spanish so she put me in the beginners group and said it will be a bit too easy for me the first few days, but then it will probably get better.
We are seven people in my class, two from Sweden, four from Germany and one from Russia, a really nice mix! Two guys and five girls and the age is also very different, I'm the youngest one and I'm not sure how old the oldest one is, but they have stopped working at least. Everyone is there for different reasons, exchange, moved to Spain, want to work here during the summer and so on! People are taking the course from 2 weeks up to maybe a year.
These first two days have been good, I have no problem on following the teacher during the lesson even if she speaks spanish all the time, i even think it's too easy. We have a lesson for two hours and then get a 20 minutes break before we continue the lesson until we finish, which is 13.30 every day. So, school from 9.30-13.30 monday-friday, that is really perfect! Everyday we have homework, but so far it has been less than half an hour work on my own and I really hope there will be more.
So far I havn't been up to much here in Mallorca but I guess I don't have to rush anything since I'm staying for a while. I've been out with the dogs everyday and trying to relax as much as possible. Today I also went to Palma. I learned how to go from the school into town and just to be able to know where I am. I saw some nice stores with lots of shoes, so I really need to go there some day!

Mallorca from the plane

In Spain
A couple of days ago I went to the airport to get on the plane that would take me to Spain. I had to change in Berlin and wait for a couple of hours, but after that I arrived in my second home, Mallorca. So for the next couple of months I will be spending all my time on this beautiful island which I really adore and I hope it's going to be amazing!
I'm staying with friend I know from before, which feels really good! So far I've been sorting some things out that I needed before starting school and just relaxed. The school starts on monday morning and I really feel like I mad the right choice of going here a few days before.
When I landed it seemed to be just the exact same weather here as it is in the summer, except the mountains where it seemed to still be some snow left. During daytime it's nice, sunny and warm, you could be out in only a t-shirt if it's not too windy. But the same minute the sun goes down it gets much colder so you will need a jumper, maybe even a jacket. It's pretty much the same weather as it is in Sweden late april early may I think, which is not too bad since it's only february here!
There will be photos, soon!
My adventure
In november 2010 I decided what I wanted to do during my gap year. I wanted to see the world and learn spanish. With that in mind I started to look for schools in Spain. I really had no idea where to start, where to go, how to live and so much more details than that.
So this is what I've been planning for during the last year, making decisions about where to go, getting advise from people around me and even been to one of the school while I was in Spain a few months ago.
I will be showing parts of my adventure here on the blog, so that people back home can follow me during that time! I really hope you'll keep reading! :)
Do I have to say that I'm looking forward to it?! :D
Lovely Spain

Now everything is decided, I will be in Spain for 4 months, study spanish in two different places and schools and have a great adventure. I will leave Sweden already in a few weeks!
So this is what I've been planning for during the last year, making decisions about where to go, getting advise from people around me and even been to one of the school while I was in Spain a few months ago.
I will be showing parts of my adventure here on the blog, so that people back home can follow me during that time! I really hope you'll keep reading! :)
Do I have to say that I'm looking forward to it?! :D
Lovely Spain