Dinner on the beach in the sunset
I'll always remember,
I'll never forget such a perfect night
Painful goodbyes
The most painful goodbyes are the ones that are never said and never explained.
Tibidabo part 1, Barcelona
Here are some photos from my day in Tibidabo, Barcelona.
After spending everyday at work, with a bad cold, I got a few days off. During these days I've been meeting up with friends, walked around in the center of Stockholm, went to an event with my mum (where we got a goodiebag filled with lots of nice stuff!), been to the cinema and off course, stayed in to watch series and movie one night. It's been a great weekend and i feel like I've rested enough but still had fun, which is perfect! Now the cold is gone and I feel like a fresh start!
Here's a photo from friday night out
Follow The Leader
Wishin & Yandel ft. Jennifer Lopez - Follow The Leader
Another time just came back
I could be yours for a while,
and I think you'll like it..
Don't you think that too?
Summer in Sweden
With two days off work last week I tried to do all the fun things I wanted. Going to the cinema to see Magic Mike with a friend, and yes, the movie was as amazing as I hoped it would be! I went to the tivoli one more time, this time for a concert, it was the fourth time I went to see Magnus Uggla and he was as good as always even though he didn't play all of the songs I wanted to hear. Last but not least I went out with friends to check out when two of them were DJs at a club in Stockholm. I had a really good time thanks to all of this!
Now after have being home during the summer (which have barely been summer...) I really long for going somewhere. It would be amazing to spend a week or two somewhere else and there are some places I would love to see and people I would love to hang out with...
Everything at the same time
Being sick, working every day and trying to have as much fun as possible at the same time.
El gran mercado de Barcelona
The big market in Barcelona
Late summer wants
One day it feels like amazing summer here in Sweden, but the next it feels like the summer is over already. I'm not a big fan of clothes that are in between two seasons because I've always had trouble finding the right ones. But after spending time in Spain during the spring when it's possible to have a couple of days of springtime and then suddenly summer and then spring again. It's just going on and on like that until it finally one day is hotter than you ever thought you would ever experience, the summer has arrived! Anyway, the seasons in between is important, just like any season, and therefore I've realized it's important that your wardrobe is aware of it as well. Here are some things I would love to have during the early or late summer!
After spending two days at tivoli, cinema and shopping, it's now time to go back to work!
Banana Boat, the second time
My second time on the banana boat, which was the best time ever! Mostly because the water wasn't absolutely freezing anymore, but also because I wasn't as scared as I was the first time and I enjoyed every moment I had with my amazing friends, I felt happy and lucky to have such amazing people around me to share this with!
When walking next to the big beach in Cádiz you can see people building sandcastles. It's not just any sandcastles, these ones are pretty amazing!
It's already august and where did the summer go?! If feels absolutely crazy how fast the last year has gone by. It feels like yesterday I graduated, got my drivers license and decided where in Spain I wanted to study... Now I'm here, it's been a year since all of those things happened and my 4 months in Spain is already over. Did it really happen? It actually feels pretty unreal to be honest! Anyway, I'm still working, as planned this summer, and those days I'm off work I'm spending at the summer house, out with the boat trying to get some tan, meeting up with friends and just do things I like and relaxing. Sometime in the middle of all this I'm trying to figure out what my next move is, where to go, what to study and all of that. It is not easy, but it is exciting, I can decide to do whatever I want and wherever to go, that is an amazing feeling of freedom!
Photo taken just a couple of weeks before I went to Spain this year
Tapas y tapas y tapas...
First when I arrived to Cádiz I couldn't find any amazing restaurants, but after spending some time in the city, going out for tapas with friends and school I found some good places. Here are some photos of the amazing spanish tapas during my time in Cádiz!
My first hours in Barcelona
Here are some photos from my first hours in Barcelona
Just a piece in the game called life
I am young and I am free
I am small and the world is big
All around me is fast moving
I get lost and I can't sleep
But I'm not afraid of anything
I am afraid of everything.
Right now
Vad gjorde du kl 08 i morse? Jag låg och sov
Vad gjorde du för 15 min sedan? Då målade jag naglarna
Vad har du druckit idag? Fläderblomssaft!
Vad var det senaste du åt? Marabou apelsinkrokant
Vad var det senaste du köpte? Handlade på ica... förutom det, en härlig leotopp från Monki
Vad är det för färg på din ytterdörr? Brun
Vad är det för väder hos dig nu? Solnedgång, vindstilla
Godaste glassmaken? Har ingen specifik favorit faktiskt.. Beror lite på!
Tror du på kärlek vid första ögonkastet? Ja utan tvekan!
Sover du tungt? Ja oftast
Drömmer du mardrömmar? Händer inte så ofta men de senaste veckorna har jag faktiskt vaknat upp ur ett par stycken konstigt nog
Favoritklädsel? Beror helt på årstid!
Vad ser du om du tittar till höger? Mina föräldrar som spelar nytt spel på surfplatta och smartphone
Vad gör dig glad? Finns miljoner av saker som gör mig glad
Vad ska du göra härnäst? Njuta av lugnet
Höger eller vänsterhänt? Högerhänt
Humör just nu? Lugn och nöjd
Favoritgodis? Choklad, choklad och åter choklad
Kläder just nu? Jeans, linne och fleece
Hur många kuddar sover du med? Det finns alltid 3 kuddar i min säng
Spelar du något instrument? Jag kan spela piano någorlunda, samt ta några ackord på gitarren
Morgon eller nattmänniska? Nattmänniska mer, men jag gillar inte att sova bort hela dagen
Vad är viktigast för dig? Familj, vänner och lycka
Är du kittlig? Ja det är jag
Stjärntecken? Väder
Äckligaste insekten? Spindlar och kackerlackor
Stökigt eller välstädat? Välstädat, känner mig alltid mindre stressad när det är städat runt omkring mig
Vad längtar du mest efter just nu? Att komma på vad jag så småningom vill utbilda mig till
A sunny summer day out with the boat
Proud 3 year old!
Tops - The one thing you always have too much and not enough of
Tops is the one thing in my wardrobe that I have most of. I always find new ones in the stores but I never get enough since everytime I need a special one I'm having trouble finding the perfect one in my wardrobe. Here are some special ones I would love to have in my wardrobe right now
Shopping - Bags from Spain
Like the girl I am I like bags and most of the times when I go traveling I find a new one I want, I buy it and then coming home to an apartment with too many handbags... But shopping is something I love and the best part of it is when you do it in another country. You get things everyone else doesn't have and you get things cheaper. Therefore I have during the last year bought three handbags in Spain.
The first on the top left is from Zara in San Fernando, a city close to Cádiz where I spent two months studying this spring. The one on the top right is from Barcelona where I went in September last year on a weekend vacation with my parents. It's from a small kind of tourist shop in the middle of the town. The last one, the smallest of them, is from Bershka and I bought it in Cádiz. Here are some close ups on two of them, this is also better photos when it comes to the real colors.
Perfect night
After spending the whole day cleaning the apartment and everything that has do with it,
I'm spending my night like this:
Coca Cola, my addiction, my one and only, forever and ever. During my time in Spain I learnt how to drink it only on occasions and I'm so happy about it, I appreciate it so much more now! The one thing next to it is my favorite swedish magazine Chic, I absolutely love it!
1st of august, what the hell happened?